There are good days and there are bad days. For me, a bad day was Hurricane Irene or when Bill Nightingale and I took a look at the steel uncovered after 125 years behind masonry. A good day was today as I sat down to prepare a progress report and received the attached Sakonnet Times article. Tom Dalglish has accurately addressed the status of our project and as we look more globally for financial support, his updates have endeared our lighthouse to a whole new demographic. Thank you Tom and the Sakonnet Times.
As you will read in Tom's article, the construction window has now closed on Little Cormorant Rock. The Officers and Directors of FOSL could not be more pleased with the outcome of this unique and substantial rehabilitation. What was thought to be a 6 month project snowballed into a 12 month conflagration which still has flareups to deal with. We have been so fortunate to have teamed up with Sharon Stone and RIDOT to assemble a comprehensive and bulletproof contract which served all parties well. Bill Nightingale and Mike Steers shepherded FOSL through years of re writes and setbacks in preparing the documents and then keeping the pressure on with the help of Bob Higgins to get the funds released. Make no mistake about it, without RIDOT in concert with Dave Osborn's fundraising efforts, Little Cormorant could have a far different appearance - post Irene.
Our lead contractor Gnazzo Corp., has slogged through a project that no one of could have imagined would become so arduous. Although we have burned through one and a half million dollars, we have received champaign work for beer prices. Russ Burt, who managed the project on site for two years, maintained a competence level on his crew which never flagged under dirty and dangerous conditions. Our subcontractors from Aulson to Metal Works all pitched in beyond the call as they came to appreciate and become vested in this historical landmark. John Wathne, our structural engineer, considers this his signature work in a resume full of incredible restorations. This is a team FOSL is incredibly proud of.
At the end of the day, the Friends of Sakonnet Lighthouse would be nothing without you - The Friends. If you are receiving this letter, you have likely contributed either time or treasure to this worthy cause. The Board of FOSL wishes to thank you again for helping to save this last of its kind lighthouse. As your year end approaches, we hope you will consider another tax deductible gift to FOSL as we work to recapitalize a maintenance fund which has been decimated by the scope of repairs. Leadership donors will receive a custom burgee (below) to fly proudly on your boat or in your family room. All donors can look for a special thank you next summer as Debbie Wiley and her committee organize a special event for patrons only which will be both fun and informative. It will be a one of a kind event and just for you. Please visit our website for information on tax deductible donations
So that's it for 2011. We are still waiting for the crane barge to demobilize the island and look forward to caisson repairs in the spring when the work platforms are gone. Thanks again to retired President Bill Nightingale and, on behalf of your dedicated Board, have a happy Thanksgiving.
Scott P. Brown
As you will read in Tom's article, the construction window has now closed on Little Cormorant Rock. The Officers and Directors of FOSL could not be more pleased with the outcome of this unique and substantial rehabilitation. What was thought to be a 6 month project snowballed into a 12 month conflagration which still has flareups to deal with. We have been so fortunate to have teamed up with Sharon Stone and RIDOT to assemble a comprehensive and bulletproof contract which served all parties well. Bill Nightingale and Mike Steers shepherded FOSL through years of re writes and setbacks in preparing the documents and then keeping the pressure on with the help of Bob Higgins to get the funds released. Make no mistake about it, without RIDOT in concert with Dave Osborn's fundraising efforts, Little Cormorant could have a far different appearance - post Irene.
Our lead contractor Gnazzo Corp., has slogged through a project that no one of could have imagined would become so arduous. Although we have burned through one and a half million dollars, we have received champaign work for beer prices. Russ Burt, who managed the project on site for two years, maintained a competence level on his crew which never flagged under dirty and dangerous conditions. Our subcontractors from Aulson to Metal Works all pitched in beyond the call as they came to appreciate and become vested in this historical landmark. John Wathne, our structural engineer, considers this his signature work in a resume full of incredible restorations. This is a team FOSL is incredibly proud of.
At the end of the day, the Friends of Sakonnet Lighthouse would be nothing without you - The Friends. If you are receiving this letter, you have likely contributed either time or treasure to this worthy cause. The Board of FOSL wishes to thank you again for helping to save this last of its kind lighthouse. As your year end approaches, we hope you will consider another tax deductible gift to FOSL as we work to recapitalize a maintenance fund which has been decimated by the scope of repairs. Leadership donors will receive a custom burgee (below) to fly proudly on your boat or in your family room. All donors can look for a special thank you next summer as Debbie Wiley and her committee organize a special event for patrons only which will be both fun and informative. It will be a one of a kind event and just for you. Please visit our website for information on tax deductible donations
So that's it for 2011. We are still waiting for the crane barge to demobilize the island and look forward to caisson repairs in the spring when the work platforms are gone. Thanks again to retired President Bill Nightingale and, on behalf of your dedicated Board, have a happy Thanksgiving.
Scott P. Brown